Elite Chess Academy is starting a junior chess club at Kingdom Light Church, 82 George Street, Strand. All levels (beginner/novice and intermediate/advanced) are welcome. Fantastic restaurant venue with lots of food items and great coffee for parents 🤩 Up to 20 students only, be sure to enroll today:
Monthly chess club subscription: https://paystack.com/pay/chess-club-f2f-monthly
Quartley chess club subscription: https://paystack.com/pay/chess-club-f2f-quarterly
Every Wednesday starting from May 3, 2023
WC 7140
R450 for 1 month
R1200 for 3 months
4pm Chess club begins
6:00pm Chess club ends
Approximately 25 mins of instruction time, 5 mins of chess puzzles, and 1hr 30mins of gameplay/chess tournament to use what has been learned. Award cards will be given to students who play/behave well during the chess club.
Award cards:
Best effort, Great Concentration, Great attitude, and Great Chess Skills
If you want your child to grow their mind whilst having fun please enroll them in the chess club today, using these links:
Monthly chess club subscription: https://paystack.com/pay/chess-club-f2f-monthly
Quartley chess club subscription: https://paystack.com/pay/chess-club-f2f-quarterly
For inquiries please contact Elite Chess Academy: +27736780138