2021 Gauteng North Chess Registration Tournament

2021 Gauteng North Chess Registration Tournament


08:00 - 18:00


Bookings closed


Event Type

Venue 1: ONLY A, B and u8s

Curro Hazeldean High School, Ridge Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, 0040

Tournament Date: Saturday 13 March 2021

Entries close:
Friday 12 March 2021 8:00- No late entries.

Players must report at 7:15 for screening to start.

Format: Swiss

Time Control: 60:60

Rounds : 5 Rounds – Rate of play

Round 1: 8:00

ONLY 90 Spaces available in TOTAL  per venue- Tickets sold on a first come first serve basis.

Cost Options: 

  1. Players who have already paid their Annual Gauteng North Registration Fees (Proof of payment will be required) – R100 Tournament Fee only
  2. Players who have not paid their Annual Gauteng North Registration Fees – Registration Fee applicable to your age group/ Section + R100 Tournament Fee
  3. Players from other Regions R180 Tournament Fee
  4. Chess SA Annual Registration can be done HERE

Prize Fund:

This is the Registration Tournament therefore there will be NO prize fund for Sections B and u8.  Medals for positions 1 to 3 only.  Small Treat for all u8 Players.

Section A: Conditions for prize fund:

  1. Registration fee must be paid.
  2. Tournament fee must be paid as stipulated above. Applicable all players above 2000 rating as well.
  3. There must be 30 or more entries in the section for Prize Fund to be paid out.

Prize fund for A section:

  1. R1500 – 1st Place
  2. R1000 – 2nd Place
  3. R500 – 3rd Place
  4. R500 – Best lady – There must be at least 2 ladies entered in the section to qualify for this prize.


    1. Latest FIDE rules will apply.
    2. All Sections will be rated by CHESS SA
    3. Players to provide their own clock with sanitising wipes for in between rounds.  Player who plays Black to provide the Clock.
    4. NO telephone, WhatsApp or SMS entries will be accepted.
    5. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure that he/she is entered into the correct section. The Organiser reserves the right to move a player to the appropriate section in accordance with the latest national rating; the player will be held liable for any additional portion of the entry fee which might arise due to the move between sections.
    6. By entering the tournament, you unconditionally agree to all the rules and regulations in the Gauteng North Chess Handbook which can be accessed at http://www.gautengnorthchess.org/documents.php.
    7. The Organiser has the right to move unrated players between sections at his/her own discretion and to combine or split sections to maintain the integrity of the tournament.
    8. If a player entered the tournament but his/her name does not appear on the Players List  by 18h00 on 12 March please contact the CA Anneline Reyneke at 083259814.
    9. Only players with confirmed payments will be added to the draw as published on http://chess-results.com/
    10. No cell phones will be allowed in the playing area except for the TD, Chief Arbiter, Arbiters and PC personnel.
    11. Medals will only be presented to qualifying players attending the prize giving which would be ±20 minutes after the last round per section.
    12. No items may be sold, traded or displayed without the prior written consent of the organiser.
    13. The Organiser of the tournament and other tournament officials are not responsible for the safety or property of players or spectators
    14. The player/parent/guardian gives consent for the player’s name, surname, gender, race, date of birth to be submitted to the rating agencies for the purposes of rating the tournament and the rating agencies displaying it on their respective websites.
    15. The player/parent/guardian gives consent for photo’s to be taken of the players during the tournament and to be published on our Social Media pages.  Should consent not be given please notify us before the tournament so that we can notify our photographers.

Covid – 19 Tournament Procedures

Gauteng North Tournament Guidelines are available: HERE

  • The Wearing of Masks will be compulsory for all players.  Face Shields may be worn together with a mask that covers the nose  and mouth.
  • Sanitising and Hand washing – All players will line up in front of the playing hall in the allocated blocks and their hands will be sanitsed before they are allowed to enter the venue.  Boards and pieces will also be sanitised before and during the tournament.
  • Temperature Measurement Station – All players will report to a Temperature measurement station after their hands have been sanitised – Please arrive at least 1 hour before the start time of the tournament to allow enough time for this.    Should a player have an elevated temperature he / she will not be allowed to play.
  • Each player must have his / her own small bottle of hand sanitiser with him/ her at all times.
  • Stringent Social Distancing measures must be followed at all times.  All players will be spaced 1 to 1.5 meters apart.  Players must also follow social distancing rules when entering and leaving the playing venue as well as when outside on the campus grounds.

Parents / Guardians 

  • All Parents / Guardians will have to wear Masks.
  • No Parent will be allowed inside the venue.
  • No spectators will be allowed inside the playing venue.  When your game is completed you must leave the playing venue.

Before the Tournament:

Parents / Guardians are requested to check the symptoms of the player/ players for any of the following:

  • Fever (Elevated temperature above 37.5 ºC)
  • Dry Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore Throat
  • Tiredness

Should any of the above symptoms be apparent, parents/ guardians are requested to let us know immediately and to withdraw the player / players from the tournament for their own as well as the safety of the other participants.

Disclaimer: The building and grounds of the School/Venue will always be a smoke and alcohol-free zone. Any individual smelling of alcohol will be removed from the premises.

Rating Categories – Over the Board Rating will be used:

A Section:

CHESS SA Rating: >= 1490

B Section:

CHESS SA rating: 1190 – 1510

u8 Section:

Born 2014 and after





Bookings are closed for this event.

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